The education that I receive pending my life school is comfortable, despite I was in many schools. When I was seven years I studied in a convent school, this school was very strict and I had a miss that one day gave homework about write the numbers from one to ten thousand in numbers and letters. This woman was my head teacher in 4th grade. I was in this school for five years. After I was in other convent school also to five years and I had a head teacher very worried for me, because my class I did bulling. This miss had an arts teacher and she had cancer.
When I was fifteen
years I left this school and I went a mixed school where I did many friends and
I could learn some French. The name of this school is Liceo Frances and this
place I had my better experiences with my friends. But closed this school for
the manifestation that occurring in 2011 and anew I had change of school. Finally
I finished my education in San Cristobal College.