martes, 25 de agosto de 2015

Healthy eating habits

Hello my bloggers, I will tell us about my perspective of healthy eating habits!

First, having good eating habits, not to say that we want to follow a strictest diet or stop eating things we like.
In my case, my parents taught me from an early age the importance of eating fruits and vegetables, and then it is very attached to my habit.  In my house there are always plenty of fruits and vegetables, and all we consume without any problem. I like them a lot these foods.
And now I'm bigger I decided to stop eating animal products and feed based on vegetables, fruits and whole grains.
I think another very important to lead a healthy life, appearance is exercising the body and I really like trekking, cycling and walking.
However in the last 10 years, people have become very sedentary thanks to technology. Children no longer play in the streets, but they are locked in their homes playing with PS3 or computer games.

Now people prefer fast food because they haven’t time to cook something healthy. In addition to their children they do not like vegetables or fruits. 

My ultimate blog :(

Hello my bloggers, this is my ultimate blog that I am going to!
In this occasion, I will tell us about my experience in this semester with write blogs.
In my opinion my experience writing blogs in English was more interesting and entertaining because I could write of my dog, my change of alimentation, my trip for the South of Chile and other topics of my life. Also I could comment the blogs of my friends and classmates, this allow me know more my classmates and I could practice the English grammar.
I think this experience is very well for review the words learning in the school. But many topics of the blogs aren’t very interesting for me and in these cases was very difficult write because I could not think how to start writing, even in Spanish. Other difficult for me was to complete a fixed number of words, because generally I'm not writing with large paragraph. 
I know that my writing is not very good, but hopefully have come to understand the background of my ideas. And they have known a little more about me and the things that make me feel happy.

Thank you for read my blog!